
Showing posts from January, 2024

Standard/Metric Conversions and Roman Numerals/World Currencies

We are using several measurements in our day to day life. Unit of measurements vary from its actual usage and field of application. Please find the details below. Inch x 25.4 = Millimetre Foot x .3048 = Metre Yard x .9144 = Kilometre Acre x .4047 = Hectare Quart x .9463 = Litre Gallon x .004 = Cubic Metre Ounce x 28.3495 = Gram Pound x .4536 = Kilogram Degrees Farenheit x 5/9-32 = Degrees Celsius Millimetre x .0394 = Inch Metre x 3.2808 = Foot Metre x 1.0936 = Yard Kilometre x .6214 = Mile Hectare x 2.4710 = Acre Litre x 1.0567 = Quart Cubic Metre x 284.2 = Gallon Gram x .0353 = Ounce Kilogram x 2.2046 = Pound Degree Celcius x 9/5 + 32 = Degrees Farenheit ROMAN NUMERALS Roman  Numerals are unique and are very stylish. We can see it almost everywhere in our daily life. It is very much common on wrist watches and on wall clocks. Some of those numerals are given below for reference. Clock with Roman Numerals I =  1      II =  2  III = 3 IV = 4 V = 5 VI = 6 VII = 7 VIII = 8 IX = 9 X = 10 X